Silavanta Sutta in English

Silavanta Sutta in English at Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center

Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center.

Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center.

Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero started  Silavanta Sutta in English as a new Dhamma series at Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center. This venue is a meditation center located close to Colombo at Kalalgoda belonging to Gangaramaya Temple of Colombo.

The Maha Thero initiated a three days residential meditation program in English at this Center during October 2016. This Center has residential facilities for about 40 retreants. This will vastly benefit the yogis who wish to attend residential retreats conducted in English, close to Colombo. These residential retreat in English will be held on a monthly basis for short durations of 2-3 days. These residential retreats will be conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero and Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero.

The Questions and Answers period in the afternoons is taken by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero of Mitirigala Nissaranavanaya Monastery in English.

The next 3 Days residential program in English will be held on 24, 25 and 26 of March 2017.

Those who wish to attend the residential retreats have to contact Ms. Dilhara Fernando. Her contact details are as follows;


Please click here to reach the web page

අතීත ලංකාවේ ගිහියන් වැඩිදෙනෙක් සෝවාන් ඵල ලැබූ සුත්‍රය

අතීත ශ්‍රී ලංකික වැසියන් ලද දෙයින් සතුටුවීම අගය කලහ.

ධර්මයට සවන් දීමෙන් සෝවාන් ආදී මාර්ග ඵල වලට පැමිණීමට අතීතයේදී සිටි ඇතැම් ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයන්ට හැකිවූ බව අටුවාවේ සඳහන් වේ. ඔවුන් එසේ මග ඵල වලට පත්වීමට වැඩියෙන්ම හේතුවූ සුත්‍ර දේශනාවක් ගැන සඳහන් වේ. එම දේශනාව වන්නේ අරියවංස සුත්‍ර දේශනාවයි.

පුජ්‍යපාද පානදුරේ චන්දරතන ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ ඒ පිළිබඳව ඉතා වැදගත් සහ හරවත් කරුණු රාශියක් පහත ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති ධර්ම දේශනා ඛණ්ඩයේ ඇතුලත් වේ. ලද දෙයින් සතුටුවීම සාමාන්‍ය ගිහි ජීවිතයේ සතුටට සහ අධ්‍යාත්මික ජිවිතයේ පරිණත භාවයට හේතුවන ආකාරය මෙම ධර්ම කාණ්ඩයෙන් මැනවින් විස්තර වේ.

ලද දෙයින් සතුටුවීම විශේෂයෙන්ම භාවනා ජීවිතයට බලපාන ආකාරය මෙම ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩයෙන් ඉතා ගැඹුරු එහෙත් සරල ආකාරයකින් විස්තර වේ. මෙම ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩය විනාඩි 33 ක් වේ.

බුද්ධ ජයන්ති ත්‍රිපිටක මාලාවේ සඳහන් අරිය වංශ සුත්‍රය කියවීමට, ත්‍රිපිටකය වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් මෙතන click කිරීමෙන් ලබා ගත හැක.

මෙම වටිනා ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩයට සවන් දෙන ආකාරය පහතින් සඳහන් වේ.

  1. වෙබ් අඩවිය තුලින් සවන් දීමට: පහත සඳහන් web Link (වෙබ් සබඳතාවය) මත click කරන්න.
  2. ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩය බා ගත කර ගැනීමට (download කිරීමට): ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩය මතට කර්සරය (bring the cursor on to the link) ගෙන දකුණුපස (right) click කර පහතට වැටෙන මෙනුවෙන් ‘save as’ ගොනුව click කරන්න.

115. අතීත ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ගිහියන් වැඩිදෙනෙක් සෝවාන් මග ඵල ලැබූ සුත්‍රය සහ ලද දෙයින් සතුටුවීම

මෙම වටිනා ධර්ම ඛණ්ඩය උපුටා ගන්න ලද්දේ පුජ්‍යපාද පානදුරේ චන්දරතන ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ විසින් සිදු කල ප්‍රථම නාථකරන සුත්‍ර දේශනාවේ සත්වන ධර්ම දේශනාවෙනි. එම දේශනාවලිය සිදු කරන ලද්දේ 2016 වර්ෂයේ දෙසැම්බර මාසයේදී මීතිරිගල නිස්සරණ වන සේනාසනයේදී පැවත් වූ නේවාසික භාවනා වැඩ මුළුවක දීය.

එම සම්පුර්ණ දේශනා වලිය ඇති වෙබ් අඩවි පිටුවට ඇතුළු වීමට මෙතන click කරන්න. 


Sri Gnanarama Center on 31 Dec 2016

A Kuti of Sri Gnanarama Meditation Center, Thalawathugoda.

Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero conducted a valuable one day meditation program at Sri Gnanarama Meditation Center on 31 December 2016. A large group of yogis attended this program on the eve of the New Year 2017.

The program consisted of guided sitting meditation, walking Meditation, a question and answers session and a Dhamma Talk. The Dhamma Talk emphasized the area of සංඥා and its vast influence in our lives. The Thero also explained the methodology to gradually free the minds of the practitioners of this influence.

There was a seamless connection between the guided meditation, the questions and answers and the Dhamma Talk. The Dhamma Talk was a continuation of the Sila Sutta conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero. These recordings are highly recommended to both the beginners as well as the experienced Yogis.

To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.

To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.

  1. 01. Guided Meditation_31-12-2016
  2. 02. Dhamma Discussion_31-12-2016
  3. 03. Dhamma Talk_31-12-2016

Please click here to reach other Dhamma programs conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero.


First Retreat for Children

Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero conducted the first residential retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery for children during early December 2016.

It was a 3 day residential retreat. Some of the photographs taken during the retreat are given above.

To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.

To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.

  1. 01. RET 134 First Retreat for Children_Dhamma Talk 01_08-12-2016
  2. 02. RET 134 First Retreat for Children_Q&A 01_09-12-2016
  3. 03. RET 134 First Retreat for Children_Dhamma Talk 02_09-12-2016
  4. 04. RET 134 First Retreat for Children_Q&A 02_10-12-2016
  5. 05. RET 134 First Retreat for Children_Dhamma Talk 03_10-12-2016

Prathama Nāthakarana Sutta

Abhayagiri Temple Complex of Anuradhapura Era comprises a large area of associated ancient temples and buildings.

Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero conducted Prathama Nāthakarana Sutta during a ten day residential retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery. The retreat was the 135th conducted at the monastery and it was held from 15th to 25th December 2016.

Prathama Nāthakarana Sutta is from the book of ten of Anguttara Nikaya. It is the 17th Sutta of Nātha Vagga. It could be found in the sixth book of Anguttara Nikaya Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka. Please click here to download the PDF of the Sutta from Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka.

It was an exceptionally valuable retreat for both the participants and the community of Dhamma due to the following reasons;

  1. Ven. Chandaratana Thero conducted the retreat in an open, approachable, and a helpful manner to benefit all the participants.
  2. The Thero developed and guided the participants even individually. The Thero was able to individually remember those Yogis who raised questions and guide them progressively over the days on their practice.
  3. Ven Chandaratana Thero has a deep understanding in both Samatha and Vipassana meditations. He is at ease with both systems. He was able to guide the yogis appropriately on both methods.
  4. The retreat was conducted to be especially beneficial to new Yogis. There were 33 newcomers at the retreat.
  5. There were many Dhamma ‘Gems’ that were revealed at the retreat during Q&A sessions and Dhamma Talks. These will be preserved in Important Brief Dhamma Clips for the benefit of people who lead a busy lifestyle. Damsara will present those in the near future. The first of these is very important to those Yogis who have practiced for some period. It explains as to how a practitioner can develop defilements through overestimation. This can happen to many ardent Yogis/Yoginis as they try to develop a program of practice in the middle of a busy lifestyle. This 13 minutes clip is highly recommended to all the listeners. අධි මානය මතු වීම සහ එයින් මිදීම

To Listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. You could then listen to the talk directly by clicking on the arrow mark.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting ”save as ” from the dropped down menu.

  1. 01. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 01_16-12-2016
  2. 02. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 01_16-12-2016
  3. 03. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 02_17-12-2016
  4. 04. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 02_17-12-2016
  5. 05. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 03_18-12-2016
  6. 06. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 03_18-12-2016
  7. 07. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 04_19-12-2016
  8. 08. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 04_19-12-2016
  9. 09. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 05_20-12-2016
  10. 10. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 05_20-12-2016
  11. 11. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 06_21-12-2016
  12. 12. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 06_21-12-2016
  13. 13. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 07_22-12-2016
  14. 14. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 07_22-12-2016
  15. 15. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 08_23-12-2016
  16. 16. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 08_23-12-2016
  17. 17. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 09_24-12-2016
  18. 18. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 09_24-12-2016

Please click here to reach the other programs conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero

Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31

Historic Arankele Forest Monastery, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.

Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero conducted the 31st Part of Dasuttara Sutta during the 133rd residential meditation retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery.

This retreat explains the book of Six of Dasuttara Sutta. The Maha Thero explains as to what Arahanth Maha Sariputta Thero meant by the Six factors to give up or eliminate. This is a very valuable set of talks and Q&A for the ardent practitioners and monks. The retreat draws a detailed picture of the six divisions of Thanhā or Craving and progress further to explain as to how such breaking down helps to fade away and eliminate Craving.

The Maha Thero also explains the gradual development of Nibbida Gñāna (knowledge), as one of the highest Vipassana Knowledges. This is expertly done during many Q&A sessions of this retreat through his explanations on ‘boredom and sleepiness’ experienced by the retreants.

The Maha Thero conducted this 05 days retreat in Sinhala during early December 2016.

The Chief Disciple Most Ven. Sariputta preached Dasuttara Sutta at the Gaggarāpokkharani in Campā, in the presence of the Lord Buddha. It is said that at the end of the discourse five hundred monks became Arahants.

Dasuttara Sutta (In Sinhala) is now available at Please click the following link to read the text of the Sutta directly from

Dasuttara Sutta Text in Sinhala

The addition of a new Comments Section for the Dhamma Listeners at the bottom of this web page.

Now you can post comments on this retreat and the recordings based on the following;

  1. Those who attended the retreat can comment on as to how it changed their lives, particularly their day to day living.
  2. Both the attendees and the listeners can draw attention to a specific teaching area or point that influenced them most from either the Dhamma Talks or the Q&A sessions.
  3. They may draw references from Tripitaka providing links to sites like ( or ( but the comments should focus primarily on developing the practice of Vipassana and Samatha rather than mere imparting of book knowledge or theoretical knowledge.
  4. The commenters are encouraged to add value to this specific retreat by going beyond simple commending praises like ‘nice retreat’. Comment as to why it is good or nice.

How to Listen and Download the audio files

To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.

To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.

  1. 01 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Q&A 01_03-12-2016
  2. 02 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Dhamma Talk 01_03-12-2016
  3. 03 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Q&A 02_04-12-2016
  4. 04 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Dhamma Talk 02_04-12-2016
  5. 05 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Q&A 03_05-12-2016
  6. 06 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Dhamma Talk 03_05-12-2016
  7. 07 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Q&A 04_06-12-2016
  8. 08 RET 133 Dasuttara Sutta – Part 31_Dhamma Talk 04_06-12-2016

Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.

Pubbeva Sambodha Sutta

Pubbeva Sambodha Sutta at Nissaranavanaya Monastery

Boudhanath Stupa at the birthplace of Buddha, Nepal is one of the largest Stupas in the world.

Boudhanath Stupa at the birthplace of Buddha, Nepal is one of the largest Stupas in the world.

Pubbeva Sambodha Sutta was the focus of Dhamma sermons during the 127th residential retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery. This four days retreat was conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero during mid September 2016 in Sinhala medium.

These Dhamma Talks are highly recommended to the Yogis. Even the delivery of the talks and Dhamma Discussions emanate honesty and a refreshing freshness coupled with deep insights.

Please click here to reach the web page.

Sekha Sutta – In Sinhala

Chedi of Wat Chiang Man, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Chedi of Wat Chiang Man, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Sekha Sutta was the topic of the Dhamma sermons at the 124th residential retreat conducted at Nissaranavanaya Monastery. It was a short five days residential retreat conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero during August 2016.

Sekha Sutta is from Majjhima Nikaya, Majjhima Pannasakaya,Gahapati Vagga of Thripitakaya. The Sutta explains about the needed training for the the one who is still imperfect and needs training in order to achieve full liberation.

Please click here to reach the web page.

Free E-Book – Freedom Within

An E-Book by late Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero

Most Ven. Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero

We are pleased to present an invaluable E-Book titled Freedom Within. Sayadaw U Pandita was one of the foremost masters of Vipassanā.

‘Freedom Within’ is a publication, which has been completed in the wake of Most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita’s passing away.

These teachings capture the essence of the Venerable Sayadaw’s teachings given at the Thathagatha Meditation Center, USA over a number of years. The book focuses on the subtle technicalities that are essential for the development of the practice, the urgency of wakefulness and the salient aspects of the Buddha’s instructions essential for meditative development.

In essence, the publication may serve as a toolkit for a yogi in navigating the practice.  It is the wish of the team of compilers, resident in both USA and Melbourne, Australia (one team member, also a student of Most Venerable Udairiyagama Dhammajiva Maha Thero), that this publication be made available to all yogis keen on their search for training in the Vipassana practice and be a spark among all bent on the practice and with an appreciation of the Buddha’s timeless wisdom.

Very soon, this publication will be made available as an on-line edition through the Vipassana Fellowship, United Kingdom and Saddhamma Foundation, USA and copies available in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, USA, Nepal and Australia.

You may also please refer to another publication by Most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita, ‘Timeless Wisdom’, also available through the Vipassana Fellowship and Saddhamma Foundation, completed by the same team of compilers.

How to Open or Download the E-Book

To Open: Please click the following image of the book to open the E-Book.

To Download: Right click on the image. Then, select ‘Save link as…’ from the drop down list. A box will open indicating the downloads folder. Select ‘Save.’ It will be downloaded to your folder.



Please click here to reach the Dhamma recordings of the late Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero.

Four foundations of Mindfulness Retreat (In English)

Four foundations of Mindfulness Retreat at Chuang Yen Monastery, New York.

The Group Photograph at the CYM Retreat Four Foundations of Mindfulness was the topic of the 10 day meditation retreat conducted at CYM (Chuang Yen Monastery), New York, U.S.A. It was conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero during end May and June 2016. The retreat was conducted in English.

Please click here to reach the web page.