Aggi-Vachchagoththa Sutta

A burning Fire!

A burning Fire!

Aggi-Vachchagoththa Sutta was a sutta taken up for weekly Dhamma sermons conducted at the upper monastery of Mitirigala Nissaranavanya. The program was conducted by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero for the resident Monks and resident lay yogis.

The Maha Thero started this new series on Aggi-Vachchagoththa Sutta on 31 March 2016. In Aggi-Vachchagoththa Sutta, the Lord Buddha clarifies his views on the nature of existence and explains the nature of Nibbana to Vachchagoththa by means of a simile. Nibbana is compared to an extinguished fire, a common theme in Buddhist thought. Aggi-Vachchagoththa Sutta is a sutta from Majjhima Nikaya, Majjhima Pannasaka, Paribajaka Vagga of Sutta Pitaka. Please click here to reach the Sutta from

How to Listen and Download the audio files

To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.

To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.

01. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 01_31.03.2016
02. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 02_07.04.2016
03. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 03_28.04.2016
04. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 04_21-07-2016
05. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 05_28.07.2016
06. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 06_11.08.2016
07. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 07_18.08.2016
08. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 08_25.08.2016
09. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 09_01.09.2016
10. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 10_16.09.2016
11. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 11_22.09.2016
12. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 12_06.10.2016
13. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 13_20.10.2016
14. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 14_27.10.2016
15. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 15_17.11.2016
16. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 16_24.11.2016
17. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 17_01.12.2016
18. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 18_08.12.2016
19. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 19_02.02.2017
20. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 20_09.02.2017
21. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 21_16.02.2017
22. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 22_02.03.2017
23. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 23_09.03.2017
24. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 24_16.03.2017
25. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 25_23.03.2017
26. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 26_30.03.2017
27. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 27_06.04.2017
28. Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta 28_13.04.2017

Aggi Vachchagoththa Sutta Completed.

Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.

Silavanta Sutta in English

Silavanta Sutta in English at Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center

Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center.

Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center.

Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero started  Silavanta Sutta in English as a new Dhamma series at Kalalgoda Vipassana Meditation Center. This venue is a meditation center located close to Colombo at Kalalgoda belonging to Gangaramaya Temple of Colombo.

The Maha Thero initiated a three days residential meditation program in English at this Center during October 2016. This Center has residential facilities for about 40 retreants. This will vastly benefit the yogis who wish to attend residential retreats conducted in English, close to Colombo. These residential retreat in English will be held on a monthly basis for short durations of 2-3 days. These residential retreats will be conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero and Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero.

The Questions and Answers period in the afternoons is taken by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero of Mitirigala Nissaranavanaya Monastery in English.

The next 3 Days residential program in English will be held on 24, 25 and 26 of March 2017.

Those who wish to attend the residential retreats have to contact Ms. Dilhara Fernando. Her contact details are as follows;


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