Be Skillful to uncover the true Dhamma.
නියම දහම මතුකරගන්නට දක්ෂ වෙන්න.
Please click on the picture to reach the Newsletter. දම්සර දහම් පුවත් අංක: 128 ට පිවිසීමට පහත දැක්වෙන රූප සටහන මත click කරන්න.
Important Brief Dhamma Clips. Photograph by Arria Belli via Flickr
This is a brief Dhamma audio Clipping series. Through this series we aim to provide the busy yogi and the common Buddhist listeners with some very important yet brief audio clippings from the great community of Monks & Nuns. The focus is on the development of meditative path.
We are pleased to inform that now even the link to the respective original main Dhamma talk or discussion is provided within the audio file! This is activated from clip number 247 onwards. The details are given in the comments section of the downloaded MP3 file. You will need to open those files using a computer.
Scroll down to read the latest Dhamma Clips.
The latest updates are from Nos. 254 to 258 Uploaded on 01 February 2021.
To Listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. You could then listen to the talk directly by clicking on the arrow mark.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting ”save as ” from the dropped down menu.
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