Maha-Malunkya Sutta (July 2023)

Maha-Malunkya Sutta was selected by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero of Mitirigala Nissarana Vanaya Forest Monastery as the next Sutta for Sutta Teachings in English on 12 July 2023.Maha-Malunkya Sutta was selected by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero of Mitirigala Nissarana Vanaya Forest Monastery as the next Sutta for Sutta Teachings in English on 12 July 2023.

Maha-Malunkya Sutta is an excellent Sutta. Here the Lord Buddha explains to Ven. Malunkya Putta and other monks that it’s inadequate to just know about the Lower Fetters (Orambhagiyani Samyojana) as those occur but rather they should Know and eradicate those at anusaya level.  (anusaya level is the level where they remain as mere latent dispositions in the mind.)

Here it’s important to keep in mind that Lower Fetters (Orambhagiya Samyojana) are eliminated at the level of the Non- Returner (Anagami).  This is an excellent Sutta for those who have developed to the level of Cittanupassana and Dhammanupassana.

Please use this link to read the text of the Sutta from Maha-Malunkya Sutta.

Given below is the link to another explanation of the Sutta by Ven. Bhikku Bodhi: 64 Maha Malunkya Sutta.

Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Majjhima Nikaya >> Majjhima Pannasaka >> Bhikku Vagga >> Maha-Malunkya Sutta

  1. Dhamma Talk 01 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (12-07-2023)
  2. Dhamma Discussion 01 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (12-07-2023)
  3. Dhamma Talk 02 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (26-07-2023)
  4. Dhamma Discussion 02 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (26-07-2023)
  5. Dhamma Talk 03 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (02-08-2023)
  6. Dhamma Discussion 03 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (02-08-2023)
  7. Dhamma Talk 04 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (09-08-2023)
  8. Dhamma Discussion 04 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (09-08-2023)
  9. Dhamma Talk 05 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (16-08-2023)
  10. Dhamma Discussion 05 – Maha-Malunkya Sutta (16-08-2023)

The series on Maha-Malunkya Sutta completed.

Please click here to reach the previous Sutta Teachings in English conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero.

Please use the following link and meeting ID/password to join the Zoom session:
Meeting ID: 695 744 3611
Password: 642885

🙏A Kind Reminder to Participants:

Please refrain from talking/commenting while the Ven. Thero is conducting a Dhamma sermon or when the Ven. Thero is answering a question by switching on your microphone. This happened during the second recording of the program on 13 September 2020, and the overlapped voices cannot be repaired through audio editing.

Given below are the local commencing times of the program.

  • SL: Wednesday at 7am
  • USA: Tuesday 9:30pm
  • AEST: Wednesday 11:30am
  • UK: Wednesdays 2am

This program is coordinated from USA by Jennifer Hu.

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