Image by Martin Durbreuil from Pixabay.
Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero conducted a 10 days long residential meditation retreat at Mitirigala during May 2019 based on Kim Mulaka Sutta. It was the 211th residential retreat at Mitirigala Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery.
Kim Mulaka Sutta is a deep Sutta discourse of Lord Buddha of Anguttara Nikaya, Atthaka Nipatha, Dutiya Pannasaka, Sati Vagga. The Sutta could be also described as a discourse on ”What is the Root?” and explains the nature of all things in brief. The discourse opens with Lord Buddha asking the monks that whether they know how to answer eight questions that sectarian wanderers likely to ask from them.
Kim Mulaka Sutta is a short Sutta without much explanation. One has to have a deep practical knowledge of Dhamma coupled with knowledge of commentaries on the sutta before embarking on a series of discourses based on this valuable yet deep sutta.
Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero provides a very useful introduction to this short sutta in the first Dhamma talk by mentioning that this Kim Mulaka Sutta could be used as a Kamatahan or an instruction in meditation practice by an ardent Yogi.
This is yet another Sutta worthy of translation to English. This invaluable Sutta is explained in this series in a manner that teaches the development of Vipassana from many angles. Each Dhamma sermon consists of various short insights into different Kamatahan or instructions in Vipassana. This suggested translation should also include the Q&A Sessions. As the book in English needs to be widely distributed, it is suggested to convert it into e-book formats of MOBI, EPUB and PDF.
Here is a brief explanation given by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero on the answer given by Lord Buddha regarding the first question asked by Sectarian wanderers. It’s a 12 minutes long Dhamma Clip.
සියල්ල සිතේ ඇතිවන කැමැත්ත මුල්කරගෙන ඇතිවේ.
Please click the following link to reach the text of the Sutta in Sinhala from thripitakaya.org;
කිංමූලක සූත්රය
Please click the following link to reach the text of the sutta in English from the Anguttara Nikaya translation done by Bhikku Sujato
8.83 Rooted
Please click the following link to reach an explanation of the Sutta in English from dharmafarer.org. In this the 8 questions asked by the Sectarians and the answers given by the Lord Buddha is presented.
Kiṁ Mūlaka Sutta
How to Download or Directly Listen to the audio files.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the file link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu. Save the file into a pre designated folder to listen on multiple occasions. This is the best way to save your internet allocation.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
- 01. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 01_22-05-2019
- 02. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 01_22-05-2019
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- 07. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 04_25-05-2019
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- 09. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 05_26-05-2019
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- 11. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 06_27-05-2019
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- 13. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 07_28-05-2019
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- 15. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 08_29-05-2019
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- 17. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Q&A 09_30-05-2019
- 18. RET 211 Kim Mulaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 09_30-05-2019