A Burning Incense Stick similar to a Kalyana Mitta provides a fragrance all around it.
The 147th residential retreat was also conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero as a silent retreat. It was conducted during seven days during May 2017.
The Dhamma talks were taken for listing by the Yogis from Anumana Sutta – Part 2 conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero. Here is the link to the web page of the Sutta: Anumana Sutta – Part 2
The Q&A Sessions provided very valuable insights to both the new and experienced Yogis. Please note that the audio quality of some of the files are below expectations due to a technical problem experienced while recording at the monastery.
Instructions for Downloading and Direct Listening
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the word ‘Download’ and then selecting “save link as” from the drop down menu. Save the file into a pre designated folder to listen on multiple occasions. This is the best way to save your internet allocation.
To listen directly: Please left click on the Audio Player icon to listen directly. It will start to play.
01. RET 147 Q&A 1_24-05-2017
02. RET 147 Q&A 2_25-05-2017
03. RET 147 Q&A 3_26-05-2017
04. RET 147 Q&A 4_27-05-2017
05. RET 147 Q&A 5_28-05-2017
06. RET 147 Q&A 6_29-05-2017
Please click here to reach the other Dhamma programs of Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero