Abhayagiri Temple Complex of Anuradhapura Era comprises a large area of associated ancient temples and buildings.
Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero conducted Prathama Nāthakarana Sutta during a ten day residential retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery. The retreat was the 135th conducted at the monastery and it was held from 15th to 25th December 2016.
Prathama Nāthakarana Sutta is from the book of ten of Anguttara Nikaya. It is the 17th Sutta of Nātha Vagga. It could be found in the sixth book of Anguttara Nikaya Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka. Please click here to download the PDF of the Sutta from Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka.
It was an exceptionally valuable retreat for both the participants and the community of Dhamma due to the following reasons;
- Ven. Chandaratana Thero conducted the retreat in an open, approachable, and a helpful manner to benefit all the participants.
- The Thero developed and guided the participants even individually. The Thero was able to individually remember those Yogis who raised questions and guide them progressively over the days on their practice.
- Ven Chandaratana Thero has a deep understanding in both Samatha and Vipassana meditations. He is at ease with both systems. He was able to guide the yogis appropriately on both methods.
- The retreat was conducted to be especially beneficial to new Yogis. There were 33 newcomers at the retreat.
- There were many Dhamma ‘Gems’ that were revealed at the retreat during Q&A sessions and Dhamma Talks. One of these is very important to those Yogis who have practiced for some period. It explains as to how a practitioner can develop defilements through overestimation. This can happen to many ardent Yogis/Yoginis as they try to develop a program of practice in the middle of a busy lifestyle. This 13 minutes clip is highly recommended to all the listeners. අධි මානය මතු වීම සහ එයින් මිදීම
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01. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 01_16-12-2016
Download02. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 01_16-12-2016
Download03. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 02_17-12-2016
Download04. RET 135 Nathakarana Sutta_Dhamma Talk 02_17-12-2016.mp3
Download05. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 03_18-12-2016
Download06. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 03_18-12-2016
Download07. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 04_19-12-2016
Download08. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 04_19-12-2016
Download09. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 05_20-12-2016
Download10. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 05_20-12-2016
Download11. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 06_21-12-2016
Download12. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 06_21-12-2016
Download13. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 07_22-12-2016
Download14. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 07_22-12-2016
Download15. RET 135 Praṭhama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 08_23-12-2016
Download16. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 08_23-12-2016
Download17. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Q&A 09_24-12-2016
Download18. RET 135 Prathama Nāthakaraṇa Sutta_Dhamma Talk 09_24-12-2016
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