Day Retreats at Sri Subodharamaya, Peradeniya

Sunday Buddhist School at Sri Subodharamaya, Peradeniya. Photograph by Denish C via Flickr

Sunday Buddhist School at Sri Subodharamaya, Peradeniya. Photograph by Denish C via Flickr

Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero has started a One Day Meditation retreat at his childhood temple, Sri Subodharamaya, Peradeniya. Sri Subodharamaya was the childhood temple of Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero. The Maha Thero gratefully and fondly recalls his early upbringing received at Sri Subodharamaya Sunday School. The temple is located in close proximity to Udairiyagama – the Maha Thero’s ancestral village.

The Maha Thero has conducted various Dhamma sessions at Sri Subodharamaya for many years. We started to receive the recordings of some of those sessions, only quite recently. The audio quality of these early recordings are poor and some had been recorded amidst loud temple drumming sounds. We have removed the external sounds to the best of our ability. The future recordings will be of better audio quality.

The latest updates Nos. 53 & 54 on Apannaka Sutta were conducted on 06 April 2019. 

How to Listen and Download the audio files

To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.

To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.

  1. 01 Achchara Sutta_Dhamma Talk_04-10-2014
  2. 02 Achchara Sutta_Q&A_04-10-2014
  3. 03 Achchara Sutta_Q & A -1_01-11-2014
  4. 04 Achchara Sutta_Dhamma Talk_01-11-2014
  5. 05 Achchara Sutta_Q&A -2_01-11-2014
  6. 06 Bhikku Sutta_Q&A – 1_07-03-2015
  7. 07 Bhikku Sutta_Q&A – 2_07-03-2015
  8. 08 Bhikku Sutta_Dhamma Talk_07-03-2015
  9. 09 Bhikku Sutta_Q&A 03_07-03-2015
  10. 10 Dhamma Padaya-Magga Vagga_Dhamma Talk_02-05-2015
  11. 11 Bhikku Sutta_Dhamma Talk_18-07-2015
  12. 12 Bhikku Sutta_Q&A 04_05-09-2015
  13. 13. Bhikku Sutta_Dhamma Talk_05-09-2015
  14. 14. Bhikku Sutta_Q&A 05_05-09-2015
  15. 15. Achchara Sutta_Dhamma Talk 01_03-10-2015
  16. 16. Sri Subodharamaya_Q&A 06_07-11-2015
  17. 17. Achchara Sutta_Dhamma Talk_07-11-2015
  18. 18. Achchara Sutta_Dhamma Talk_06-02-2016
  19. 19. Sri Subodharamaya_Dhamma Talk_05-03-2016
  20. 20. Sri Subodharamaya_Q&A 07_05-03-2016
  21. 21. Sri Subodharamaya_Dhamma Talk_02-04-2016
  22. 22. Sri Subodharamaya_Q&A 08_02-04-2016
  23. 23. Vesak Dhamma Talk_Sri Subodharamaya Peradeniya_20-05-2016
  24. 24. Achchara Sutta – Dhamma Talk_06-08-2016
  25. 25. Sri Subodharamaya_Q&A 09_06-08-2016

A new Sutta was commenced during September 2016. This new Sutta is Apannaka Sutta and the text of the Sutta is available at Please click the following link to read the Sutta;

අපණ්ණක සූත්‍රය

  1. 26. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 01_03-09-2016
  2. 27. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 01_03-09-2016
  3. 28. Sri Subodharamaya_Q&A 02_01-10-2016
  4. 29. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 02_01-10-2016
  5. 30. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 03_05-11-2016
  6. 31. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 03_05-11-2016
  7. 32. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 04_04-02-2017
  8. 33. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 04_04-02-2017
  9. 34. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 05_04-03-2017
  10. 35. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 05_04-03-2017
  11. 36. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 06_01-04-2017
  12. 37. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 06_01-04-2017
  13. 38. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 07_06-05-2017
  14. 39. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 07_06-05-2017
  15. 40. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 08_05-08-2017
  16. 41. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 08_05-08-2017
  17. 42. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 09_02-09-2017
  18. 43. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 09_02-09-2017
  19. 44. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 10_07-10-2017
  20. 45. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 10_07-10-2017
  21. 46. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 11_11-11-2017
  22. 47. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 11_11-11-2017
  23. 48. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 12_03-03-2018
  24. 49. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 12_03-03-2018
  25. 50. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 13_07-04-2018
  26. 51. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 13_07-04-2018
  27. 52. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 14_01-09-2018
  28. 53. Apannaka Sutta_Q&A 14_06-04-2019
  29. 54. Apannaka Sutta_Dhamma Talk 15_06-04-2019

To be continued……

Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.

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