At the end of the road…., Kent woods, Bromley, UK. Photograph by Malcolm Browne via Flickr
We are pleased to provide at Damsara, the recordings of Mahā Sāropama Sutta conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero at Bromley, UK. The retreat was conducted during May 2015. In this Sutta the Lord Buddha advises to the Monks about the areas to avoid in the Dhamma Path through the events occurred due to the actions of Devadatta Thero.
The monk Devadatta was a highly skillful monk. However, he met the end of his spiritual road due to certain factors. The Maha Thero explains that the present day Yogi can also succumb to such factors and become like a Devadatta.
The Mahā Sāropama Sutta conducted at Bromley during May 2015 is highly valuable to the Yogis, Monks and the Nuns.
This Sutta is from Book 1, Page 462 of Majjima Nikaya, Opamma Vagga of Sutta Pitaka. You can locate the Sutta from Tripitakaya.org at this link: Mahā Sāropama Sutta
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
- 01 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Q and A 01_17-05-2015
- 02 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 01_17-05-2015
- 03 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Q and A 02_18-05-2015
- 04 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 02_18-05-2015
- 05 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Q and A 03_19-05-2015
- 06 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 03_19-05-2015
- 07 Mahā Sāropama Sutta -Q and A 04_20-05-2015
- 08 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 04_20-05-2015
- 09 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Q and A 05_21-05-2015
- 10 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 05_21-05-2015
- 11 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Q and A 06_22-05-2015
- 12 Mahā Sāropama Sutta – Dhamma Talk 06_22-05-2015
Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.