Ruins of the Buddha Kuti at Jethavanaramaya, India – 2013
We are pleased to send you the 3rd Part of Maha-nidana Sutta recorded at Brisbane, Australia during end January and early February 2013. This Sutta series was conducted by the chief meditation master of Meetirigala Nissaranavanaya Monastery, Most Ven. Udairiyagama Dhammajiva Maha Thero.
The Maha Thero conducted this lengthy series of sermons on Maha-nidana Sutta as separate parts during successive residential retreats held during New Zealand and Australia Dhamma tour of 2013. This third part was covered at a retreat held in Brisbane from 26th January to 02nd February 2013.
Please note that the special Dhamma Talk conducted in English for the benefit of Youth is given at the bottom of the page as no.13
Please click the following link to reach the text of the sutta in Sinhala from thripitakaya.org;
මහානිදාන සූත්රය
The audio editing of this third part was generously sponsored by Mrs Nelun Mitripala and her niece Miss Chandralatha Ubesinghe of Matara Sri Lanka. They wish to present this as a Dhamma gift to you during this Wesak season.
To Listen directly: Kindly left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. You could then listen to the talk directly by clicking on the arrow mark.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting ”save as ” from the dropped down menu.
- 01. Introduction_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 02. Q&A 01_27-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 03. Dhamma Talk 01_27-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 04. Q&A 02_28-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 05. Dhamma Talk 02_28-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 06. Q&A 03_29-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 07. Dhamma Talk 03_29-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 08. Dhamma Talk 04_30-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 09. Dhamma Talk 05_31-01-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 10. Dhamma Talk 06_01-02-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 11. Q&A 04_02-02-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 12. Dhamma Talk 07_02-02-13_Maha-nidana Sutta – Part 3
- 13.The Relevance of Mindfulness to the Youth_Brisbane_26-01-13_English
Please click here to go back to other Dhamma Talk series of Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero