These Dhamma talks of Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero were recorded at a residential retreat conducted at Meetirigala Nissaranavanaya Monastery during May 2011.
The web hosting of this excellent Dhamma series was kindly sponsored by Mr H.P. Hattotuwa of Sri Lanka.
To Listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. You could then listen to the talk directly by clicking on the arrow mark.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting ”save as ” from the dropped down menu.
01. Q&A 1_ Dwayatanu Passana Sutta- 23-05-2011.mp3
02. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 1_23-05-2011.mp3
03. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 2_24-05-2011.mp3
04. Q&A 2_ Dwayatanu Passana Sutta- 25-05-2011.mp3
05. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 3 – 25-05-2011.mp3
06. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 4 – 26-05-2011.mp3
07. Q&A 3_Dwayatanu Passana Sutta_27-05-2011.mp3
08. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 5_27-05-2011.mp3
09. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 6_28-05-2011.mp3
10. Q&A 4_Dwayatanu Passana Sutta_29 05 2011.mp3
11. Dwayatanu Passana Sutta Desana 07_ 29 05 2011.mp3