Jhana Grove Retreat Center, Perth, Australia. Photograph by Micheal Percy
Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta is a very valuable sutta of Lord Buddha from Majjima Nikaya. In this Sutta, a monk named Sāti, was of the wrong view that one’s consciousness continues on at the time of the death and wanders through the round of rebirths without break of identity. The Buddha explains to Sāti that he had always taught that consciousness arises only by causation and that, without an assignable condition, consciousness does not come about.
Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta was taken for discussion at a recently concluded residential meditation retreat at Jhana Grove retreat center, Perth. Kindly note that the audio quality of some of the Q&A sessions is poor as the questioners had not used microphones. The tiny low sounds has been magnified as much as possible through audio restoration.
Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta is from page 602, Book 1, Majjima Nikaya of Tripitaka. Please find below the link to the translation of the sutta done by Bhikku Bodhi;
Bhikku Bodhi Translation in English.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
- 01. Dhamma Talk 01_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 1
- 02. Q&A 1_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 1
- 03. Dhamma Talk 02_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 2
- 04. Q&A 2_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 2
- 05. Dhamma Talk 03_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 3
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- 09. Dhamma Talk 05_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 5
- 10. Q&A 05_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 5
- 11. Dhamma Talk 06_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 6
- 12. Q&A 06_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 6
- 13. Dhamma Talk 07_Maha Thanha Sankaya Sutta_Perth_English-Day 7