Maha Sakuludai Sutta was the discourse taken during the 108th residential meditation retreat at Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery. The occasion was the 14 days retreat conducted in English medium by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero.
Maha Sakuludai Sutta is from Majjhima Nikaya, Majjhima Pannasaka, Paribrajika Vagga of Sutta Pitaka. The Sutta is based on a discussion between the Buddha and Sakuludai when the great teacher was in Rajagaha. In summary Buddha explains as to why the disciples respect and listen to the Buddha.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
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