E-Book – Freedom Within

An E-Book by late Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero

Most Ven. Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero

We are pleased to present an invaluable E-Book titled Freedom Within. Sayadaw U Pandita was one of the foremost masters of Vipassanā.

‘Freedom Within’ is a publication, which has been completed in the wake of Most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita’s passing away.

These teachings capture the essence of the Venerable Sayadaw’s teachings given at the Thathagatha Meditation Center, USA over a number of years. The book focuses on the subtle technicalities that are essential for the development of the practice, the urgency of wakefulness and the salient aspects of the Buddha’s instructions essential for meditative development.

In essence, the publication may serve as a toolkit for a yogi in navigating the practice.  It is the wish of the team of compilers, resident in both USA and Melbourne, Australia (one team member, also a student of Most Venerable Udairiyagama Dhammajiva Maha Thero), that this publication be made available to all yogis keen on their search for training in the Vipassana practice and be a spark among all bent on the practice and with an appreciation of the Buddha’s timeless wisdom.

Very soon, this publication will be made available as an on-line edition through the Vipassana Fellowship, United Kingdom and Saddhamma Foundation, USA and copies available in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, USA, Nepal and Australia.

You may also please refer to another publication by Most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita, ‘Timeless Wisdom’, also available through the Vipassana Fellowship and Saddhamma Foundation, completed by the same team of compilers.

How to Open or Download the E-Book

To Open: Please click the following image of the book to open the E-Book.

To Download: Right click on the image. Then, select ‘Save link as…’ from the drop down list. A box will open indicating the downloads folder. Select ‘Save.’ It will be downloaded to your folder.



Please click here to reach the Dhamma recordings of the late Sayadaw U. Pandita Maha Thero.

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