We are pleased to send you the recordings of the 56th residential meditation retreat conducted at Mitirigala Nissarana Vanaya monastery. The retreat was conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero during September 2013. The Dhamma sermons were on Sālā Sutta.
We have also included a PDF file of the Sutta from Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka. Please click here to download the PDF on the Sutta.
This invaluable sutta series was sponsored by Maithri, Nelun Maithripala & Chandralatha Ubeysinghe of Matara. They have done this valuable Dhamma Dana in memory of their dear departed parents, relatives & friends.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t, you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
- 01 RET56 QandA – 01_22-09-2013
- 02 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Talk 01_22-09-2013
- 03 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Talk 02_23-09-2013
- 04 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Kamatahan 01_23-09-2013
- 05 RET56 QandA – 02_23-09-2013
- 06 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Talk 03_24-09-2013
- 07 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Talk 04_25-09-2013
- 08 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Kamatahan 02_25-09-2013
- 09 RET56 QandA – 03_26-09-2013
- 10 RET56 Sālā Sutta – Talk 05_26-09-2013
Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.