Khirarukkopama Sutta-Toronto Maha Viharaya, Canada – June 2016

Khirarukkopama Sutta was the focus during the Dhamma sermons conducted at the meditation retreat conducted at Toronto Maha Viharaya, Canada during June 2016. Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero conducted this meditation retreat during the recently concluded overseas tour of Dhamma.
Khirarukkopama Sutta is a Sutta that was rarely preached by monks in the recent past. Khirarukkopama Sutta is from Sanyuktha Nikaya, Salayathana Vagga, Salayathana Sanyukthaya. The link to the Sutta text in Sinhala from is given here: Khirarukkopama Sutta
The Dhamma Discussions of the meditation retreat was conducted in both Sinhala and English. We have separated the English part at another page for the benefit of our listners. The following contain only the talks and discussions conducted in Sinhala.
Please click here to reach the Dhamma Questions in English
Kindly note that some of the early discussions are not clear due to a disturbance at the microphone. We have improved the audio quality of the original recordings.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
- 01. වැඩසටහන හඳුන්වාදීම_10-June-2016
- 02. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 01_11-June- 2016
- 03. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 01_11-June-2016
- 04. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 02_12-June-2016
- 05. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 02_12-June-2016
- 06. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 03_13-June-2016
- 07. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 03_14-June-2016
- 08. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 04_14-June-2016
- 09. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 04_14-June-2016
- 10. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 05_15-June-2016
- 11. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 05_15-June-2016
- 12. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 06_16-June-2016
- 13. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 06_16-June-2016
- 14. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 07_17-June-2016
- 15. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 07_17-June-2016
- 16. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 08_18-June-2016
- 17. විශේෂ ධර්ම දේශනය_බෝධිරාජ කුමාර_18-June-2016
- 18. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 08_19-June-2016
- 19. ඛීරරුක්ඛොපම සූත්රය 09_19-June-2016
- 20. දහම් පැන විසදුම් 09_20-June-2016
Please click here to reach the other Dhamma series done by Most Ven U Dhammajiva Maha Thero.