HatthiSariputta Sutta (25-09-2024)

HatthiSariputta Sutta (25-09-2024)

HatthiSariputta Sutta was selected by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero of Mitirigala Nissarana Vanaya Forest Monastery as the next Sutta for Sutta Teachings in English on 25th September 2024.

Please read the HatthiSariputta Sutta from Tripitaka: HatthiSariputta Sutta.

  1. Dhamma Talk 01 – HatthiSariputta Sutta (25-09-2024)
  2. Dhamma Discussion 01 – HatthiSariputta Sutta (25-09-2024)

Please click here to reach the previous Sutta Teachings in English conducted by Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero.