The Giant Reclining Buddha Statue close to Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar. Photograph by Marina & Enrique via Flickr.
Satipaṭṭhana Sutta, (The Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness) and the Mahā Satipaṭṭhana Sutta (The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness) are two of the most important and widely studied discourses in the Pāli Canon of Theravada Buddhism, acting as the foundation for mindfulness meditation practice. These discourses stress the practice of sati (mindfulness) “for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the extinguishing of suffering and grief, for walking on the path of truth, for the realization of Nibbana”
Satipatthana Sutta is the discourse taken for discussion during the residential meditation retreat conducted by Most Ven. U. Dhammajiva Maha Thero at Brisbane, Australia during December 2015. The retreat was concluded on 17 December 2015.
Please click the following link to read a translation of the Sutta by Thanissaro Bhikku: Satipatthana Sutta – accesstoinsight.org
Kindly note that some of the Q&A are in Sinhala. Those have been separated for the benefit of the listeners.
To listen directly: Please left click on the link to listen directly. Once the link is clicked, you will be directed to a separate page containing the talk. Usually the file starts to play in that window. If it doesn’t you could highlight the browser window and click ‘reload this page’. It will start to play.
To download: You could download the file by right clicking on the link and then selecting “save as” from the drop down menu.
- 01 Dhamma Talk 01 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_10-12-2015
- 02 Q&A 01 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_11-12-2015
- 03 Q&A 01 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_11-12-2015
- 04 Dhamma Talk 02 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_11-12-2015
- 05 Q&A 02 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_12-12-2015
- 06 Q&A 02 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_12-12-2015
- 07 Dhamma Talk 03 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_12-12-2015
- 08 Dhamma Talk 04 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_13-12-2015
- 09. Q&A 03 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_14-12-2015
- 10. Q&A 03 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_14-12-2015
- 11. Dhamma Talk 05 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_14-12-2015
- 12. Q&A 04 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_15-12-2015
- 13. Q&A 04 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_15-12-2015
- 14. Dhamma Talk 06 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_15-12-2015
- 15. Q&A 05 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_16-12-2015
- 16. Q&A 05 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_16-12-2015
- 17. Dhamma Talk 07 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_16-12-2015
- 18. Q&A 06 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_17-12-2015
- 19. Q&A 06 – Sinhala_Satipatthana Sutta_17-12-2015
- 20. Dhamma Talk 08 – English_Satipatthana Sutta_17-12-2015
Dear Aruna
Following links are broken. Could you please fix it.
Q&A starts from 15-12-2015.
Much appreciate your hard work.
Dear Sam,
All the links are now working. Thank you for pointing out the issue!
With Metta,